
We pack our goods with the utmost care to ensure that you receive them in perfect condition.
We choose the best delivery service for each order. We have collaborations with Italian Post, UPS, and DHL.
Most orders are processed within 24 hours from the receiving of payment, except on weekends and holidays. Most orders are sent within 48-72 hours. Standard delivery is usually done from warehouses in Italy.
Average Transit Time and Delivery costs (excluding handling time):
The price of delivery for regular purchases in the online shop is calculated automatically after filling in the delivery address and it’s reflected in the Cart.
The price of delivery for complex, wholesale, and (eventually) promo purchases can be calculated manually.
• Mainland Italy: Average Transit Time: 4-5 business days.
Mainland Italy Remote Area, Italian Islands: Average Transit Time: 6-7 business days.
Average delivery costs (Euro): 6.90 + 1.00/kg.
• Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Liechtenstein:
Average Transit Time: 5-8 business days.
Average delivery costs (Euro): 12.90 + 1.20/kg.
• France (continental), Spain (continental): Average Transit Time: 5-8 business days.
Average delivery costs (Euro): 12.90 + 1.60/kg
• Czech Republic, Denmark (continental), Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Norway (continental): Average Transit Time: 6-12 business days.
Average delivery costs (Euro): 19.90 + 1.60/kg
• Cyprus, Switzerland, Malta, Andorra: Average Transit Time: 6-12 business days.
Average delivery costs (Euro): 33.00 + 2.00/kg
• Israel: Average Transit Time: 20-25 business days.
Average delivery costs (Euro): 79.00 + 4.00/kg
• Rest of the world – please, write to our support team before purchasing or try to enter your address into cart fields.
• N.B.: For non-EU deliveries (deliveries to non-EU countries) additional transport, customs and tax costs may apply.
Most orders will be shipped via standard postal delivery, UPS, and DHL.
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(short YouTube video):

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